The report says about 80 Russian agents are based in Switzerland based, a senior official of the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (NDB) told members of the National Council's Foreign Policy Commission.
Although Swiss cities such as Geneva and Bern have always attracted intelligence attention, the issue of Russian diplomats working as agents in Switzerland has now become a more acute topic of debate among Swiss politicians.
These foreign agents pose a threat to Switzerland's internal and external security, Fabian Molina, a member of the National Council and a member of the Social Democratic Party, told Swiss media.
Known for its neutral stance, Switzerland has stepped from its cocoon by mirroring most of the EU sanctions against Russia and some of its associates since the war's outset. Last year, it announced freezing about $8.2 billion worth of Russian assets.
However, these measures do not apply to diplomats who enjoy immunity.
The Federal Council does not impose any sanctions in the form of expulsion of diplomats. When Switzerland expels diplomats, it does so for reasons of internal security, and these cases are not reported publicly, a spokesman for the Swiss MFA said in an interview, adding that channels of communication with Russia should be maintained.
The Russian spy network continues to be active in Europe. At least 38 Russian diplomats who may be spying undercover in Northern Europe were identified by journalists during an investigation.
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