Ukrainian Happy Paw shelter starts nationwide lesson of kindness to animals for children

Ukrainian schools are holding a "Lesson of Kindness" dedicated to raising responsibility towards animals and strays.

The Happy Paw shelter is hosting this lesson six years in a row. The event is dedicated to World Animal Day celebrated on October 4, which annually attracts over 2,000 educational institutions.

This year, the IV International Humanness Lesson will be held on October 4-11.

The initiative aims to raise children's awareness of the rights and welfare of animals, such as domestic or stray cats and dogs. The Lesson of Kindness also gives students a sense of unity and fosters important human qualities such as responsibility and altruism. These are the qualities that distinguish a civilized society from ignorant people,

Ukraine's Education Ministry officially recommends the event and methodological materials from the foundation.

Since 2019, the Kindness Lesson has gained international status, attracting foreign educational institutions from more than 10 countries.

Over 2700 educational institutions from 1118 settlements joined the Lesson of Kindness in 2022, conducting 15,078 lessons dedicated to fur friends.

Previously, Kyiv volunteers raised funds to build shelters for animals evacuated from the war zone. One of the challenges that the war has posed is the protection and rescue of animals. Today, volunteers and caring people are fully responsible for helping the animals.

For example, the BGV Charitable Foundation donated four tons of animal feed to the war-battered Gostomel shelter.

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