What is the problem?
Children's special educational institutions are often located at a considerable distance from the homes of teachers and families, forcing them to spend considerable time and money to reach the school. In times of war, this task is complicated by air raids and enemy shelling, while teachers and students experience additional stress.
What is the solution?
Since December 2022, Uber has provided rides for parents and specialists of inclusive resource centers (IRCs), institutions for children with special educational needs. As part of the initiative, educators and families in Kyiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Odesa, Lutsk, Chernivtsi, and Vinnytsia can get to schools for free using Uber discount codes.
How does it work?
UberX ride codes provide a 100% discount, cover up to 30 rides per month, and are distributed to educational institutions by Ukraine's Ministry of Education Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding signed with Uber.
Uber is proud to stand with Ukrainians in this difficult time. Our pilot project in Kyiv has shown a high demand for such assistance, so we have expanded the initiative to seven Ukrainian cities and are ready to implement it in new cities if needed, comments Matthew Devlin, Uber's Head of International Affairs.
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