
Ukrainian volunteers launch three-month English courses for soldiers

Ukraine's network of volunteer hubs Honcharenko Center is launching free online English courses for Ukrainian soldiers.

The training will be based on a specialized program covering topics and terminology for communicating with foreign instructors and studying weapons documentation from partner countries.

What is the problem?

With arming Western samples of weaponry, Ukrainian soldiers started requesting more training abroad, which required knowing the basics of English. Not enough troops can master the language quickly, and even fewer can freely use the knowledge during their training.

What is the solution?

The Honcharenko Center is launching free specialized English courses for military personnel to break the language barrier. The NGO already has experience in teaching Ukrainian forces. For example, English classes were successfully tested in early 2023. Now, the soldiers are invited to a full-fledged specialized course.

It is frankly difficult to overestimate the relevance of this program. Our soldiers fight side by side with volunteers from all over the world, go abroad for training, and communicate with instructors. All this requires good English skills. Just one example: the training of our pilots on the F-16 is hampered by the lack of English. Both basic and "military" English. It's time to change this, language can also fight, the team of the Honcharenko Center said in a comment to Rubryka.

How does it work?

Victoria Zakharova, director of the Goncharenko Center Online, has prepared a special program for Ukrainian forces to help them master basic military vocabulary and key topics in three months.

This is a special course for our servicemen, designed for the Elementary (A1) level. It consists of a series of thematic blocks, which will help our defenders in communication with foreign instructors and fellow members of the International Legion. The topics include military bases, units and positions, rules and regulations, military routine, vehicles and weapons, personnel organization and much more, says Victoria Zakharova.

All classes are completely free, and each meeting will cover a new topic. Soldiers can join the training anytime; all materials will be duplicated in the group chat. To join the training, servicemen must complete a Google form.

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