Sumy region establishes new modular clinic replacing hospital destroyed by Russian forces

Ukraine's eastern Sumy region presents a new modular primary health care clinic in the village of Khukhra to replace the outpatient clinic destroyed by the Russian occupiers, the health ministry reports.

What is the problem?

Over the 19 months of the full-scale war, Russian forces have damaged over 1,400 medical facilities in Ukraine and destroyed 190 hospitals.

The medical infrastructure of Kharkiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Kyiv, and Chernihiv regions has suffered the greatest losses.

What is the solution?

A new modular clinic has been opened in the village of Khukhra to replace the outpatient clinic destroyed by the Russians.

The facility consists of eight prefabricated modules combined into a full-fledged medical facility with four rooms for receiving patients and the ability for 11 healthcare workers to work simultaneously.

Photo: Ukraine's Health Ministry

How does it work?

The clinic was set up in collaboration between Ukraine's Health Ministry and the World Health Organization to ensure that citizens have uninterrupted access to essential medical services despite the war.

Photo: Ukraine's Health Ministry

Photo: Ukraine's Health Ministry

Every day and purposefully, the enemy terrorizes Ukrainians and destroys healthcare facilities. Every bullet and shell is proof of this deliberate terror against civilians. However, thanks to the strong support and cooperation with the WHO and other international partners, step by step, we are able to move forward and rebuild the destroyed hospitals so that patients have full access to the necessary medical care, the press release said.

Such establishment of modular clinics at the primary level is "a very important cooperation aimed at achieving real results and helping our patients today."

Primary healthcare clinics or modular clinics are envisaged in the regions most affected by the war, where Russian troops have been targeting the medical infrastructure.

Photo: Ukraine's Health Ministry

The project aims to install 14 modular primary care clinics, of which five already operate in the Kherson, Kharkiv, and Sumy regions.

For his part, WHO Representative in Ukraine Jarno Habicht emphasized that the modular clinics serve as a temporary replacement for damaged facilities in the areas most affected by the war. They provide an infrastructure where doctors and nurses can provide basic primary health care services, especially in the case of chronic diseases, where the needs are the highest.

Photo: Ukraine's Health Ministry

Modular healthcare facilities are ready to operate in blackouts, as they are equipped with generators for uninterrupted power supply and fans that maintain an optimal environment in the room.

Such clinics have electricity supply, sanitary facilities, waiting rooms, and rooms for examining patients. The installation of the structures takes 10 to 14 days.

The modular clinics are one of Ukraine's main WHO response and recovery projects, offering a quick and long-term solution to an acute problem. They can replace damaged facilities for up to ten years.

Overall, Ukraine has already managed to partially or fully restore more than 800 medical facilities.

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