
Ukraine and UK to start joint production of howitzers next year

Ukraine's Minister for Strategic Cooperation Oleksandr Kamyshin says Ukraine will launch joint production of howitzers with British allies next year.

Foreign companies are starting to produce weapons in Ukraine, as they see it as an opportunity. The minister is confident that there will be more such cooperation, and "together we will create the arsenal of the free world."

We have started working on a joint venture with a German company, and a Turkish company has already started building a plant, the minister said during a recent visit to Washington as part of the official delegation.

Ukraine produces various types of weapons and ammunition, and "in each segment, we are looking for partnerships with American companies."

I am happy that we can move from the 'give us' model to the 'do it together' model.  I am sure that the integration of the defense industries of Ukraine and the United States would be mutually beneficial for both Ukraine and American companies, and this is how we can build the arsenal of the free world together, Kamyshin emphasized.

The minister also emphasized that the missile program is a key priority, as this task was set by Ukraine's President. Kamyshin also spoke on the production of drones.

Currently, we have more than 200 companies that produce various types of drones – air, land, and sea. And this is what can be key in this war. I am confident that the lessons learned from these technologies in Ukraine will be useful for the United States and global defense capabilities, he said.

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