
Ukraine’s Security Service identifies “Hero of Russia” involved in torture and murder in Bucha

Ukraine's Security Service has identified another Russian commander involved in the mass torture and killing of civilians during the Bucha occupation, the press release says.

Lieutenant Nursultan Mussagaleyev is a reconnaissance platoon commander in the Russian 76th Air Assault Division. After Russian forces withdrew from the Kyiv region, the highest military and political leadership awarded Mussagaleyev the "Hero of Russia" title and the medal "For Combat Distinction." Russian propagandists filmed a story about him, which was broadcast on the main Kremlin-controlled Russia 1 TV channel.

At the start of Russia's full-scale war, he crossed Ukraine's northern border to deploy in the Bucha district and prepare an offensive on Kyiv. During his stay, Mussagaleyev headed "cleansing operations" to suppress the resistance movement and target residents.

The commander ordered his group to kidnap a 29-year-old local who was driving a car through an enemy checkpoint. The troops accused him of allegedly helping the Ukrainian military build fortifications near Kyiv.

The fictitious "grounds" for this were photos of construction materials found on his cell phone. The victim was taken to a forest near the village of Dmytrivka, where he was brutally tortured for a long time and shot dead.

Ukraine's Security Service received testimony from a Russian war prisoner who was part of the defendant's unit. The suspect confirmed the fact of the torture and execution of a resident of Bucha district.

Two other subordinates of Mussagaleyev who shot the victim were also identified. They were the deputy platoon commander of the occupiers, Senior Sergeant Aleksei Kolesnikov, and Sergeant Aleksandr Viselkov.

Based on the collected evidence, the SSU investigators served Mussagaleyev and his two accomplices a notice of suspicion. As the criminals are located in Russia, comprehensive measures are being taken to bring them to justice.

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