Two schools in Kyiv region to improve their security with new anti-radiation shelters

The city of Uzyn in the Kyiv region is building anti-radiation shelters for two schools, the Kyiv Regional Military Administration reports.

What is the problem?

Ukraine's State Emergency Service reported that, as of the beginning of the full-scale war,  there were a little over 21,000 bomb shelters in Ukraine, of which 26% were assessed as not ready for use.

This problem was and remains relevant both for large cities and for small communities.

The safest place during the war is a bomb shelter, but, as Andrii Savchuk, lieutenant colonel of the Civil Protection Service, said, there are no schools with shelters in Ukraine.

At the DECIDE project webinar, he explained that some schools could be equipped with anti-radiation protection during construction in regions, especially with nuclear plants or chemical plants nearby.

Now, there are a few such shelters. Most often, simpler shelters or dual-purpose structures are prioritized.

From November, new building regulations for civilian bomb shelters will enter into force.

What is the solution?

Photo: Telegram / Kyiv Regional Military Administration

The regional administration reported that new shelters would be built for two lyceums. The structures will be reinforced to protect students.

The administration also plans to equip bulk composite floors, bathrooms, waterproofing walls and partitions.

How does it work?

Each shelter is designed for 500 people and will also be used by more than 1,000 children in the community for extracurricular education, like clubs and sports sections.

Photo: Telegram / Kyiv Regional Military Administration

Rubryka reported that Kharkiv announced plans to build the first underground school in UkraineWe also reported that a shelter was built at the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv.

Rubryka explains how the largest kindergarten of the Pidvoloche settlement community acquired a shelter with high-quality flooring and sanitary ware, new furniture, and class space in a few months. 

Read more in our article: A safe environment for 225 children: German grant helped repair a shelter in the Ternopil region.

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