The nations will cooperate in the USAID project, Rubryka reports, citing the US Embassy in Ukraine.
What is the problem?
Russian hackers continue attacks on Ukraine's information space infrastructure daily.
The UK intelligence reported that Russia used cyber capabilities, including hacker attacks and malicious software, to support its invasion of Ukraine.
Most forecasts reveal that the number and complexity of Russian cyberattacks will only increase in the future. Even if Russian aggression is stopped, cyber threats will likely persist.
What is the solution?
Ukraine should adapt to the possibility that Russia will keep on with a hybrid war. The country must reinforce its cyber security to protect itself against future threats.
The US Embassy in Ukraine reported that Denmark is investing $2.8 million in the USAID project "Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine" to help the US expand Ukraine's cyber security capabilities to protect government bodies and critical infrastructure from cyber attacks.
How does it work?
"I welcome Denmark's decision to invest $2.8 million in the USAID project," said US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink, "and I hope for our fruitful cooperation to help Ukraine resist Russian aggression in cyberspace."
The US diplomatic mission reported that with Denmark's new support, the US would continue to bolster the Ukrainian cyber security laws, regulations, and organizations, train specialists, as well as increase mutual trust, and strengthen cooperation between the private and public companies to form a more sustainable cyber security industry in Ukraine.
The USAID "Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine" project has played an important role since the beginning of the Russian invasion in February 2022, providing Ukraine with the tools and expertise needed to operate smoothly.
The project also builds international partnerships between cybersecurity organizations. Cooperation was initiated between Ukraine's State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection and the US Agency for Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security (CISA).
Rubryka reported that Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation and the USAID are launching grants to support developing cyber security startups.
In June, the United States allocated $37 million to Ukraine to strengthen its resistance to cyberattacks by Russian and other hackers.
Since 2016, the US has provided $120 million for cyber defense, including $82 million during the full-scale war. Digital Minister Mykhailo Fedorov said the support helped detect cyber incidents and threats in time and react to them.
In April, the US National Cyber Security Mission sent 43 American specialists to Ukraine to combat Russian cyberattacks.
In May of this year, Ukraine officially joined the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence (CCDCOE). A Ukrainian flag was raised near the headquarters of the center.
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