Solutions to win: Ukrainian medical center donates FPV drones to the front

The staff of the recreational and medical center in Ukraine's western Riven region fundraised and purchased drones and other aid to the Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines.

Rubryka reports, referring to the press release of the health facility.

What is the problem?

Drones are the eyes of the Ukrainian military, which allow them to conduct reconnaissance along the entire front line, detect Russian forces and equipment, and adjust artillery fire. When the Ukrainian drones discover the Russian locations, the Ukrainian soldiers ensure the enemy is no longer there.

Civilians, in turn, help purchase drones by collecting money because soldiers need thousands of drones to effectively fight against the Russian aggressor.

"Our family and relatives worry daily about the boys and girls who are liberating the land from the Russian invaders. And I want to see my hometown, Melitopol, free as soon as possible and return home," said 85-year-old Hanna Zhdan, who is currently staying in "Chervona Kalyna" recreational and medical center after being forced to flee her native city when Russian forces occupied it in March 2022.

"I am grateful to the 'Chervona Kalyna' staff who instantly responded to soldiers' requests and united for a good cause. I want that aid to benefit the fighters so that they have more strength to liberate Melitopol," she added.

What is the solution?

The center reports that it had already sent aid to the military before — in 2023. But this time, it was started by Hanna Zhdan, a decorative artist from Melitopol.

How does it work?

Zhdan comes from the village of Riasniki in the Rivne region. But before the war, she lived in Melitopol. When Russian invaders occupied the city, the woman left.

The decorative artist initiated the fundraising campaign to help the soldiers fighting on the Melitopol front. 

Photo: Chervona Kalyna

First, the center's managers and employees directly contacted soldiers and formed a list of what they needed. After that, the staff started raising money to purchase FPV drones, tablets, tactical equipment, charging stations, medicines, and food products.

"Before the current campaign, the center had systematically transferred funds to support the Armed Forces since December 2022 when we received a key investor — the international bio-renovation medical company AREGY GROUP," said the director of the center, Olena Popova. "Our help will only increase because our team can work in a free country thanks to the Armed Forces." 

Photo: Chervona Kalyna

Besides military aid, Zhdan embroidered a "charm" towel for the soldiers from scratch.

"The towel can be like an amulet for the soldiers. It is my blessing for them to have the strength and health to win back everything. I believe that this amulet will save and protect our soldiers from Russian bullets and shells and accompany them to victory. Our Ukraine will be independent and happy," she shared.

Photo: Chervona Kalyna

The medical center reported all the aid had already been delivered to the Melitopol front.

Rubryka reported that the city of Rivne opened a free rehabilitation center for military and civilians.

The Ministry of Health also unveiled a new system of psychological services, which will give the groundwork for the Law on Mental Health.

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