
EU will soon expand “from Lisbon to Luhansk” – German FM

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, before the start of an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Kyiv, said the future of Ukraine is in the EU, and it "will soon expand from Lisbon to Luhansk."

Luhansk is Ukraine's far eastern city, occupied by Russian forces and pro-Russian troops in 2014.

The future of Ukraine is in the European Union, in our community of freedom, and soon it will expand from Lisbon to Luhansk. With every village, with every meter that Ukraine liberates, with every meter where it saves its people, it also makes its way into EU, Baerbock said during a conversation with reporters in Kyiv on Monday.

She said European allies will continue to support Ukraine so that the people "can live in peace and freedom again."

The minister also noted the "impressive implementation" of reforms by the Ukrainian government in the midst of the "terrible Russian war of aggression."

These are things such as changing legislation in the field of justice, in the field of media, but also related to the fight against corruption. We openly talk with our partners here in Ukraine that we will continue this path together, Baerbock said.

The foreign minister stressed the need to further intensify efforts to prepare Ukraine for this winter by preparing air defense, generators, and assistance with energy supplies.

Baerbock again said the war against Ukraine cannot be taken for granted.

This suffering, the abduction of children, the murder of women and men must never become the norm in the European Union and must be reflected in our societies and countries, she said.

Foreign ministers of the EU countries gathered in Kyiv for the first-ever meeting of all 27 member states outside the EU, the bloc's chief diplomat Josep Borrell announced to express solidarity with Ukrainians.

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