Solutions to win: Ukraine completes field tests of newly made Fury combat robot

Ukraine tested the Liut (Fury) combat robot, which allows it to perform tasks remotely and can, therefore, save Ukrainian defenders' lives, says Digital Minister Mykhailo Fedorov.

What is the problem?

The war is moving into the coordinate system of the "battle of engineers," a technological war.

Technology and innovation are the key to our victory. They help to gain an advantage on the battlefield and save our military's lives, the department head emphasized.

What is the solution?

Victory technologies from Brave1 (Ukraine's defense concern, based on work of several departments) help us to test the Ukrainian Liut combat robot, the minister added.

How does it work?

The vehicle is armed with a tank machine gun, has a 360° viewing camera, and armor that protects it from small arms and debris.

Ukrainian forces can control the robot remotely and thus perform combat missions.

For example, to assault or defend positions. The photo shows a finished experimental model that has successfully passed field tests, he said.

The Minister published a photo with a ready-made experimental model that passed field tests successfully.

Photo: Mykhailo Fedorov

The team is currently working on improving the machine and preparing to scale up production.

At Ukraine's military Brave1 exhibition, one of the prototypes of unmanned underwater torpedoes was presented. At the moment, several models of such drones are being developed in Ukraine.

Brave1 is a cross-sectoral project aimed at boosting the development of companies working in the field of defense technology.

The BRAVE1 coordination platform was created as a "one-stop shop" for cooperation between defense tech companies, the state, the military, investors, volunteer foundations, media, and other participants.

The main focus is providing grants to developers that are prioritized for the needs of the security and defense forces, assistance in finding effective technological solutions among Ukrainian developers, and bringing together all industry stakeholders.

Fedorov and the Brave1 military technology platform tested 25 Ukrainian developments in the field that will soon be deployed at the front.

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