Фото: Фейсбук / Сергій Моргунов
What is the problem?
In the new stage of war, drones are one of the most vital and reliable tools to safely destroy the enemy. Its purpose is to reconnoiter and eliminate targets in the operational and tactical depths of the enemy's territory with RK-2P guided missiles with a range of up to 10 km.
Instead of being armed, the drone can carry several suspended electronic warfare stations.
Drones are the "eyes" of Ukraine's military. They let conduct reconnaissance along the entire frontline, detecting Russian forces and enemy equipment, and remotely adjusting artillery fire. The drones are equipped with thermal imagers, so the Ukrainian military make sure that the enemies are no visible within the range.
Ukrainians are actively helping to purchase them and raising funds for more drones, as the soldiers need thousands of vehicles to effectively fight the aggressor.
What is the solution?
As Ukraine celebrates the Day of Defenders on October 1st, the central city of Vinnytsia sent the first batch of Shchedryk reconnaissance drones to the army.
Photo: Serhii Morgunov
How does it work?
The production of the first Vinnytsia reconnaissance drone was launched jointly by Volodymyr Groysman, head of the Interregional Humanitarian Coordination Center, and co-founders Serhii Morgunov and Viacheslav Sokolov.
Photo: Video screenshot
The drone will be used for aerial reconnaissance, transmitting data on enemy and equipment movements in real time.
Photo: Video screenshot
This drone has a range of 40 km, can climb to an altitude of up to 4000 meters, and can reach speeds of up to 150 km/h.
Previously, the Turkish company Baykar, which manufactures Bayraktar TB2 attack drones, plans to invest $100 million in three projects in Ukraine.
The Army of Drones project has sent 1,700 drones to the military.
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