Four people were injured in the town of Stanislaviv in shelling. One local resident remains under the rubble.
On the morning of October 1, the outskirts of Kherson were also shelled, causing a power outage there, but power engineers are already working at the shelling site.
Over the past seven to eight days, the occupiers have dropped 166 bombs on the region.
The Kherson regional military administration spokesman emphasized that Kherson and the region suffer from heavy destruction in increased air strikes. The bombs leave a human-sized hole with a diameter of 30-40 meters.
If a bomb hits a house, there is practically nothing left of it. The blast wave destroys houses within a radius of 20-30 meters and damages housing within a kilometer, the statement says.
Over the past day, Russian occupiers carried out 96 attacks on the region, firing 432 shells from mortars, artillery, tanks, aircraft, and even missile launchers.
The Russian military hit residential areas of the region's settlements, the territory, and the building of a factory and a catering establishment in Kherson.
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