Borrell met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. During his visit to the Ukrainian capital, he met with Rustem Umerov, the new Defense Minister, where they discussed "uninterrupted military aid of the EU."
The top diplomat took part in commemorating the fallen Ukrainian soldiers and expressed support for those now defending Ukraine from Russia's unjustified aggression and fighting for common European values.
Borrell and Ukraine's DM discussed the EU's military assistance. Borrell emphasized that Ukraine needs more capabilities faster. He noted that the EU is preparing long-term security commitments.
The diplomat also said, "Russia's war against Ukraine is an existential threat to all of us."
On September 30, Borrell arrived in Odesa on an unannounced visit, attending the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was damaged by a Russian missile.
Odesa is now increasingly featured in the news as a target of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
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