This is reported on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic.
On Friday, September 29, Deputy Minister of Defense Daniel Blazhkovets took part in the first International Defense Industry Forum in the history of Ukraine. In his speech, Blazhkovec clearly stated the government's position that support from the Czech Republic will continue until the final victory of Ukraine.
On the sidelines of the forum, the official also discussed with the Ukrainian side current joint projects at various stages of development and the possibility of starting cooperation on new projects.
"Our support has changed from the level of military aid and the supply of end products to long-term intensive defense-industrial cooperation, which involves not only our armies but also defense and military enterprises, both public and private. However, we want to develop this cooperation even further," the Deputy Minister of Defense emphasized.
As a result, the parties agreed that the Czech Republic would transfer to Ukraine a license for the production of CZ BREN 2 assault rifles.
In addition, the Czechs will also help the Ukrainians to establish the production of ammunition. Sellier & Bellot company will implement this project.
The production of CZ BREN 2 at Ukrainian facilities is called one of the "flagship" projects of Ukrainian-Czech cooperation, which was discussed at the International Forum of Defense Industries in Kyiv.
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