Among young people of the same age who fled from the war to Poland, this figure amounts to 81%.
Experts surveyed young people living in Ukraine and Poland, the closest country to find refuge during the full-scale war. Both groups are equally convinced of Ukraine's victory in the war, having 98% and 97% of the amounted results.
Among teenagers aged 13-15 in Ukraine, 96% of respondents see a hopeful future, while 87% of responders in Poland support the statement.
The sociologists emphasized that 65% of young people aged 16-35 would not like to move to another state.
89% of young people aged 16-35 see the future of Ukraine as promising.
The main reasons why young people do not want to change their place of residence are satisfaction with their current place of residence (44%), family and friends (40%), sufficient financial security for life (20%), and patriotism (15%).
79% of young Ukrainians want to be involved in reconstruction activities, while only 19% don't.
The experts emphasized that 47% of respondents intend to return to Ukraine after the war, 19% plan to return soon, 11% – after some time, and 15% of young people do not plan to return at all.
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