“All of Ukraine will come to a standstill to honor fallen soldiers”: Zelensky announces nationwide moment of silence on Defender’s Day

President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine will hold a large-scale moment of silence throughout the country in memory of soldiers. 

The action will take place on the Day of Defenders, October 1, Rubryka reports.

"9 am, Sunday, October 1st. Central squares and streets of Ukrainian cities. A minute of honor. A minute of silence. And eternity of memory for our fallen defenders," Zelensky said.

The Ukrainian leader noted that on Sunday, October 1, Ukraine will, for the first time, celebrate "everyone who fights for our nation, everyone who adds to Ukraine's strength, and everyone who has given their life for Ukraine" on a new date.

"On this day, Ukraine will pause for a minute. To honor those who gave their lives in defense of our country and people," he said, adding he wants this to become a new tradition in Ukraine.

In July, the Ukrainian parliament changed the dates of three holidays that used to be celebrated by the country according to the Julian calendar, used by the Russian Orthodox Church and forced on Ukraine in the years of Russian oppression and influence.

Ukraine accepts Christian traditions and the Gregorian calendar used worldwide and will officially celebrate Christmas on December 25, not January 7. The country also moved the festivities of Ukrainian Statehood Day from July 28 to July 15 and the celebration of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine from October 14 to October 1 because these dates were chosen to coincide with the religious holidays: Day of Baptism of Kyivan Rus-Ukraine and Intercession of the Theotokos.

In March, President Zelensky signed a decree on a daily nationwide moment of silence at 9 a.m. for those who died due to Russian aggression.

As Rubryka reported, Ukraine's culture ministry offered to arrange an honorary military cemetery next to the Bykivnia graves.

The Kyiv City Council allocated a plot of land in Bykivnia for the National Military Memorial Cemetery. The construction will take place in several stages, and the first phase is to be put into operation by the end of this year.

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