Photo: Illustrative
What is the problem?
Timely detecting, identifying, and tracking enemy targets are essential in the promising operation of air defense systems.
Ukraine has been at war for more than 18 months. Russia is terrorizing Ukrainians on land, shelling civilian areas, and using the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea to launch airstrikes. Russia is also blocking Ukraine's sea routes for trade and export, so the Ukrainian forces need more radar equipment to detect Russian ships and threats at sea.
What is the solution?
The Lithuanian Navy handed over radar equipment to the Ukrainian Navy. The radar sets are designed to support maritime surveillance.
How does it work?
The equipment was sent after Ukraine requested support to strengthen its sea reconnaissance.
"For Ukraine, which is being destroyed by Russia's war, this radar equipment will be of great importance both for protecting its territorial waters and for guaranteeing the safety of its citizens," Defense Minister Arvydas Anušauskas said.
The ministry noted that they cannot disclose the cost and quantity of the transferred equipment.
Photo: LK KJP nuotr
The Lithuanian ministry reported that Lithuania has formed a new military aid package to Ukraine worth €200 million for the period 2024-2026. In addition to regular military equipment supplies, Lithuania trains Ukrainian soldiers.
Minister Anušauskas took part in a Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in late September and presented a new military aid package to Ukraine. The package includes detonation systems, maritime surveillance radars, and ammunition for the Carl Gustaf anti-tank grenade launcher.
Rubryka reported that Leopard tanks for Ukraine will be repaired in Lithuania in September.
Great Britain also handed Ukraine four echo sounders worth £1.6 million and other geodetic equipment and mapping software.
Earlier, Rubryka reported that Ukraine received freshly manufactured ammunition for Gepard anti-aircraft guns from Germany.
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