Military assistance and therapy center for Ukrainian troops opened in Kyiv region

The Kyiv Regional Center for Assistance to Ukrainian troops has been opened in the Bucha community, where veterans can request qualified help with medical care and rehabilitation.

What is the problem?

Many Ukrainian war veterans complain about the lack of well-trained doctors and specialized facilities throughout Ukraine.

Ex-soldiers separate combat medicine from civilian medicine, believing all funds advance military facilities more than civilian ones.

Not only the military but also their families need help. Therefore, centers with all the information on rehabilitation and social guarantees are needed to determine what kind of help a serviceman needs.

What is the solution?

The Kyiv Regional Center for Assistance to Ukrainian Defenders was opened in the Bucha community, where people can receive qualified medical care and rehabilitation assistance.

How does it work?

The regional assistance center will advise on rights, benefits, social guarantees and mechanisms for their implementation.

The center will also help with adapting and rehabilitating troops and their families.

The rehabilitation center for Ukrainian defenders has begun to be established in the Konotop district of the eastern Sumy region.

In 2022, the Kyiv Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics began testing virtual reality in combination with other rehabilitation methods to help patients with gunshot injuries. Rubryka explained how the center works to treat the soldiers effectively. 

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