
Russian proxy from eastern Kupiansk sentenced to 13 years in prison for looting Ukrainian houses

Ukraine's Security Service collected enough evidence to expose a Russian proxy cooperating with the FSB in the occupied Kupiansk, eastern Kharkiv region.

The offender was detained immediately after the liberation of Kupiansk district, the press release says.

In August 2022, the suspect voluntarily joined the occupation "police station No. 2", which operated in occupied Kupiansk.

As an "internal ministry" worker, he was engaged in fabricating criminal cases against locals for further imprisonment in Russian-hosted torture chambers, mostly located in schools, basements, shops, etc.

The collaborator, the armed occupiers, and their accomplices also broke into Ukrainian homes and robbed them under the guise of "searches."

During such "raids," the Nazis took money, household appliances, and other private property from the homes.

In case of resistance, Russian punishers used weapons or abducted homeowners and their families.

In this way, the Russian punishers tried to intimidate the region's residents and suppress their resistance to the Kremlin regime.

The collaborator tried to stay low during the liberation to avoid Ukraine's justice. However, he did not hide for long. A day after the liberation, Ukrainian officers established his whereabouts and detained him.

According to the investigation, the enemy accomplice was a local resident, a former police officer who retired from the service in 2017 for health reasons.

After the full-scale war, he supported the Russian occupiers and, "waiting" for them in Kupiansk, joined the invading forces.

Based on the evidence, the court found the offender guilty and sentenced him to 13 years in prison with a 10-year disqualification from holding positions in law enforcement agencies.

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