
Ukraine is implementing EU recommendations, ready for accession negotiations — Ukraine’s PM

Ukraine is completing the "implementation of all recommendations of the European Union" at the government level, which is necessary to start negotiations on joining the EU.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced this during the government meeting on September 26, Rubryka reports.

Shmyhal announced the adoption of the state target program "Unity in Diversity." Its purpose is to create conditions for realizing the rights and opportunities of national minorities and indigenous peoples.

According to the prime minister, after the approval of the program, it can be said that at the government level, Ukraine will fully complete the implementation of the seven recommendations of the European Commission.

What did Ukraine manage to do during this time?

  1. The reform of the Constitutional Court has started. Ukraine works in permanent consultations with the Venice Commission.
  2. The High Council of Justice and the High Qualification Commission of Judges have been reloaded.
    The institutional capacity and independence of anti-corruption bodies are being strengthened. One of the latest examples is the government draft law on increasing the independence of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. Recently, new heads of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office were elected in open competitions. The Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) noted Ukraine's significant progress in preventing corruption.
  3. The Cabinet of Ministers has developed a legal framework for combating money laundering within the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering standards.
  4. Ukraine fulfilled the recommendations of the Venice Commission regarding implementing the anti-oligarchic law.
  5. The legislation on media and advertising has come into force.
  6. Necessary by-laws have been developed to implement the new law on national minorities.
  7. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers conducted a so-called self-screening. Twenty-eight thousand acts of EU law were analyzed for their implementation in Ukraine's legal field.

"We expect that in October, Ukraine will receive a positive assessment within the framework of the Report on the EU enlargement package. Then, there will be a vote of the European Council, which will open the way to negotiations on our country's accession to the EU," Shmyhal added.

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