Mental health platform “Rozmova” hosts charity event to fund rehabilitation of 100 Ukrainian soldiers

Ukrainian mental health platform "Rozmova" will talk about resilience and mental health challenges in times of war at its second charity storytelling event, The Teller Night.

The proceeds will be used to help Ukrainian soldiers restore their psychological well-being, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

The Ukrainian military and civilians are under daily stress due to the war. Many suffer from PTSD and other mental disorders after experiencing shelling, occupation, hostilities, or captivity. Preserving mental stability has been one of the major challenges for them. 

To help Ukrainians cope with mental health issues and build resilience, the creative agency The Tellers Agency and, the platform that provides online therapist services, will host their second charity event, The Tellers Night #2, on September 28 to talk about the mental health of Ukrainians during the war.

Photo: The Teller Night

This time, the event will be devoted to the personal stories of the founders of socially significant projects. Despite their own mental challenges, they created their own undertakings that currently support the mental health of Ukrainians.

Photo: The Teller Night

What is the solution?

A ticket to the event is a 100% donation that funds a 10-day Repower psychological retreat to military medics and volunteers in Sweden. The proceeds from tickets and the auction will help organize the 3rd run of the intensive psychological rehabilitation program for 100 Ukrainian soldiers.

Photo: The Teller Night

How does it work?

Speakers, or rather Tellers, will share moments from their lives that had an impact on them and will encourage listeners to make their own changes.

Yana Sybiha, founder of the Integralist wellness platform and Integral fitness studio, will talk about panic attacks, CBD for anxiety, non-toxic performance, and integrity. founder Dmytro Kovalenko will discuss burnout, challenges, and shifts in mental health when starting your project during the war. Maryna Sadikova, the founder of the Repower military mental recovery program, will talk about her retreat that changed everything and the support of mental resilience of the military by civilians. Anastasia Bakulina, founder of Svidomi Media, will talk about life with depression, team burnout, and public hate.

In addition to the storytelling session from the founders, the program also includes an interactive self-support zone, an auction with artifacts from speakers and the military, a workshop by psychotherapists with exercises for self-soothing and anxiety relief, and networking with changemakers, drinks, and gifts from partners.

Photo: The Teller Night

The mission of The Tellers Night is to help Ukrainian society increase mental stability, scale humanity, give attention and support to the heroes of our time, develop a culture of positive influence and proactive social responsibility, and take care of initiatives that will bring Ukraine closer to victory and recovery.

To attend the event or simply support the fundraiser for the psychological rehabilitation of the military, make a donation, which guarantees you a ticket.

Photo: The Teller Night

Rubryka also reported that no child in Ukraine has not been affected by the war to one degree or another. Experienced stress — if not dealt with — can cause problems with physical and mental health.

A Rubryka journalist discusses how children have a high potential for recovery and talks to experts to determine how to activate this potential. Find out more in an article: How to preserve a child's physical and mental health during the war. Experience of leading psychologists.

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