School in Kyiv region builds new bomb shelter to protect over 600 students during Russian attacks

The Gogol Lyceum in the Kyiv region is building a new bomb shelter for 607 students to hide from Russian attacks.

Rubryka reports, referring to the Kyiv Regional Military Administration.

What is the problem?

Last year, the learning at the Gogol school was significantly complicated due to the lack of bomb shelter in the main building. In addition to the main campus, the lyceum has a branch in another building with a shelter that can't host all 607 students.

Because of this, elementary school students studied on the premises of the branch, and high school students studied remotely.

Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration

What is the solution?

In July, under co-financing terms, the local authorities and the school started building and arranging a separate protective structure with the total area of the building being 707 m². 

Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration

How does it work?

The shelter will allow organizing the face-to-face educational process for all students.

"The construction of the shelter is to be completed by the end of this year," the statement said.

Photo: Kyiv Regional Military Administration

Rubryka reported that Kyiv region's lyceum unveils a newly renovated bomb shelter for 400 children.

66-year-old Manfred Gin from Australia is also rebuilding the houses of Ukrainians destroyed by the war. He could have done even more if he had overcome bureaucratic obstacles and brought a unique brick production plant to Ukraine.

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