Drone attack eliminates leadership of Russian air regiment in Kursk

A drone exploded at the Khalino military airfield in Kursk, Russia.

RBC-Ukraine reports, citing sources in Ukraine's defense intelligence, that there are casualties among the leadership of the Russian aviation regiment.

The Khalino airfield, located 7 km from the center of Kursk, is the base for the Zhdanov 14th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, which is armed with Russian Su-30SM jets.

Russian Telegram channels began to report "alarming" news from the airfield in Kursk, while the Russian authorities traditionally keep quiet about what happened.

Military intelligence sources told RBC-Ukraine that a powerful explosion occurred on the runway after the Russians intercepted the Ukrainian UAV near the airfield, supposedly "safely landing" the drone on the runway. After that, the leadership of the air regiment and FSB officers came to inspect the drone and take photos.

"When the delegation tried to inspect the 'trophy' drone, the ammunition detonated," the source said.

The killed and wounded were taken away from the scene. According to sources, the killed or injured during the explosion included the commander of the 14th aviation regiment, one of his deputies, a group of aviator officers, an FSB military counterintelligence officer, and airport workers.

Attacks on Russian Kursk

On Monday morning, Russian Kursk was attacked by a drone. The sources told RBC-Ukraine that the attack hit the local office of the Russian interior ministry.

On Sunday, Ukrainian drones attacked the building of Russia's security service and an oil refinery near the local airfield in Kursk.

Ukraine's defense intelligence also reported that unknown saboteurs conducted successful operations in the Moscow and Kaluga regions, eliminating several units of Russian equipment.

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