Children of Kosovo sing in honour of little Ukrainians: Kosovo choir records concert in support of Ukrainian people

What is the problem? 

For over a year now, children in Ukraine have been living through the horrors of a large-scale war. Frightening alarm sirens, mining of schools, fear of losing their homes, friends and loved ones accompany them and remain in their memories of their childhood stolen by war. 

The Kosovar people, like no other, understand and feel the Ukrainian pain associated with Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Those who survived the war will never be indifferent to those who are now living under the sound of explosions and air raid sirens. The outbreak of a new large-scale war in Europe has awakened painful memories of Kosovars, reminding them of loved ones who were taken by the war, of millions of refugees who were forced to leave their homes and engraved in their memories the difficult struggle that became the price of their freedom. 

What is the solution?

The "Okarina" Children's Choir from Kosovo gave a charity concert to express their solidarity with the Ukrainian people and to support young Ukrainians, to show them that different nations are united and stand by Ukraine in this difficult time.

The repertoire of the concert consists of Kosovar songs inspired by Ukrainian folklore. The concert also includes one song in English, which was written in support of Ukrainian children and to show unity with all Ukrainians. A music video of the concert featuring ballet choreography, filmed in the Prizren fortress. 

How does it work?

The musical gift from Kosovo children includes many different songs. One of them tells about the beauty of the homeland, which blooms in spring and with it the love of a couple in love awakens. Another one is about children who want peace and love in their lives. All the compositions carry touching wishes of hope, kindness, and bright days filled with care and well-being.

Among other pieces, the young Kosovars sang "Shchedryk" arranged by Mykola Leontovych. This is one of the most popular and well-known examples of Ukrainian musical heritage in the world. It's nice to hear this song from a foreign choir as a sign of support for Ukraine's quest for freedom and peace.

The director of the Okarina Choir, Elikona Gisay Shala, explains what motivated the choir to record this concert.

"Our people also went through an incredibly devastating war in the past, so we understand how important it is to support each other. For the Ukrainian people, the choir has prepared a special patriotic song, Ukraine is Your Land by Benito Mares, which reminds us why ordinary citizens continue to fight Russian aggression, suffering severe trials and losses every day. This work is about the Dnipro River, the Carpathians, the Black Sea, the beauty of Ukrainian fields and skies, their boundless freedom, i.e. everything that is dear to the heart of every Ukrainian. We hope that this song will bring some light and comfort to your life."  

Even more useful solutions

The Okarina choir also cooperates with the international charity organisation SOS "Children's Villages", which works to prevent orphanhood in Ukraine, protect children without parental care and promote the development of these children and their further socialisation. The organisation has given us a hand in promoting the concert among Ukrainian children and has shared the concert on its information resources and broadcast the video of the concert in its children's centres, which number more than 40 across Ukraine.

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