British Defense Minister Grant Shapps said this in an interview with Sky News.
"Our goal is to train 30,000 Ukrainian servicemen. Therefore, I do not think that the British determination will waver," the head of the department noted.
As the minister emphasized, Britain will also strengthen its support for Ukraine.
"I just announced tens of thousands of additional munitions, the total number of which is already about 300 thousand, and we will provide a huge amount of additional support and equipment until the end of this year," Shapps emphasized.
The minister also added that Great Britain will remain an ally of Ukraine in the future and will stand side by side with the Ukrainian people.
For reference:
Furthermore, the Interflex operation, currently taking place in Britain, is focused on training Ukrainian military personnel from 10 allied nations.
For example, instructors from Australia, within the framework of the training operation, helped the Ukrainian military practice preparation for proactive actions during the passage of a psychological strip in the middle of dense forests.
In addition, under the leadership of Danish instructors, Ukrainian service members are trained in conducting positional combat operations: they practice preparing, capturing, and holding a position.
Furthermore, Ukrainian combat medics in Canada undergo training that includes specialized techniques.
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