Poland offers alternate transit options for Ukraine’s grain exports amid export ban – Duda

Poland has prepared other transit corridors through which Ukraine can export its grain to countries that need it, but Warsaw will keep its export ban in place.

The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, stated this on TVP1.

According to Duda, the decision to introduce a ban on the sale of Ukrainian grain and other products in Poland is correct.

At the same time, the Polish president added that everything must be done to ensure that the transit of Ukrainian grain is as large as possible.

"Thanks to the work of our farmers, we are self-sufficient. We do not need grain from Ukraine. Very few of their excellent harvests during the war reached the countries that needed them.

Transit corridors have been prepared in Poland, thanks to which Ukrainian grain can pass through Poland and be exported wherever needed. We are trying to help Ukraine and those countries that need this help," Duda emphasized.

For reference:

The European Commission decided not to extend the restrictions on Ukrainian products, which were supposed to last until September 15.

However, it still did not suit Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The three of them announced that, despite the decision of the European Commission, they unilaterally continued the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain.

So Ukraine filed a claim with the World Trade Organization (WTO) demanding consultations with Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary.

In turn, Polish government spokesman Piotr Muller said that despite these lawsuits, his country will not change its position on the embargo on Ukrainian agricultural products.

And the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, compared Ukraine to a drowning man who grabs everything and can drag others down.

Volodymyr Zelensky reacted sharply to this statement, after which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland summoned Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Zvarych.

After that, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry urged Poland to put aside emotions for something constructive.

At the same time, both Ukraine and Poland expressed confidence that the states would be able to find a solution that would suit both sides.

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