The Office of the President reported this.
TVN Discovery Poland journalist Bianka Zalewska has been working in the ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation in Ukraine is the Ukrainian government's operation in the war in Donbas from 2014 until the full-scale Russia's aggression – ed.] zone in Donbas since 2014, where she was seriously injured. As a volunteer, she collected and delivered humanitarian aid to Ukraine. With the beginning of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, she provided significant assistance to the units of the Ukrainian army as a volunteer. She helped transport seriously ill children to hospitals in the Republic of Poland.
Photo: Office of the President
Rescue medic Damian Duda assembled a team of medics who purchased the necessary medical drugs at their own expense. They came to Ukraine to provide emergency medical aid and evacuate soldiers wounded on the front line to a stabilization point. He also created a fund that finances the purchase of medicines for volunteer medical teams in Ukraine.
"You're undertaking a considerable amount of work by assisting and supporting Ukrainians on the front lines, who not only defend Ukraine but also, in my opinion, Europe, the entire world, and our shared ideals," said Volodymyr Zelensky, presenting the awards.
He thanked the people of Poland for such sons and daughters.
"I am proud that Ukraine has such a strong neighborhood. I want to thank you. I want to thank all the Polish people who, from the first days, opened their families and homes, opened themselves, and helped. I believe that any challenges on our common path are nothing compared to the fact that there is such strength between our people," the head of state emphasized.
Photo: Office of the President
Bianka Zalewska received the Order of Princess Olha in the 2nd degree, and Damian Dudu was awarded the Order of Merit in the 3rd degree by the President of Ukraine for their significant personal efforts in maintaining Ukraine's state sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as for their contributions to strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and Poland.
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