Фото: Харківська обласна військова адміністрація
Nearly all town's houses were destroyed during the full-scale offensive of the Russian army and the occupation.
What is the problem?
In 2022, Ukrainian forces launched a counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region. On September 8, locals reported that the Ukrainian flag was raised on the main square of Balakliia, which endured six months of Russian occupation.
Svitlana Shvid, deputy head of the Izium district administration, said that the Balakliia community currently houses 30,000 residents. Before the full-scale war, about 40 thousand people lived there.
One of the apartment buildings in Balakliia was damaged in May 2022 in Russian shelling.
The building has 45 apartments and more than 100 residents. Therefore, it is very important to repair it before the cold weather. The total estimated cost of the building's restoration amounts to $78,000, said Svitlana Shvid.
What is the solution?
Repairs to the apartment building began in Balakliia at the expense of the armed aggression liquidation fund and the local budget.
Photo: Kharkiv military administration
How does it work?
We are gradually restoring Balakliia after six months of Russian occupation. On the instructions of the head of the military administration Oleh Sinegubov we have completed the first priority works, such as electricity and gas supply that have been restored to the settlement.
We are currently restoring the housing stock so that as many residents as possible can get through this heating season with peace of mind, authorities added.
Photo: Kharkiv military administrationThe team started dismantling the facility last week.
Photo: Kharkiv military administration
The shelling hit the ceiling of the technical floor, and apartments on the 9th floor were also damaged. We plan to complete all the work here by mid-December. In particular, the roof and ceilings will be repaired. We will fully insulate the roof and replace some of the windows, said Vasyl Kolisnyk, a representative of the contractor.
Photo: Kharkiv military administration
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