
Nationwide project supports women from military families in 17 cities

The All-Ukrainian project of support for women from the families of military personnel, Plus-Plus from the network of educational and cultural spaces Goncharenko Center, is additionally launched in 17 cities of Ukraine.

What is the problem?

Since the start of the full-scale invasion, the size of the Ukrainian army has increased at least sevenfold. Most military personnel are men. Women from their families are left alone and forced to solve all challenges and fight problems on their own. To help mothers, wives, and daughters of soldiers, the Goncharenko Center launched the Plus-Plus project in five cities in Ukraine. However, the number of requests exceeded all expectations of the team.

What is the solution?

According to the organizers, in the first month of operation in pilot mode, the project managed to receive more than 1,000 requests for support from all over Ukraine. After testing the format in five cities, the Goncharenko team launched the online version of Plus-Plus. Now, 17 more Ukrainian cities are joining the program to support women from families of military servicemembers.

In particular, the cities of Balta, Derhachi, Dnipro, Dobrovelychkivka, Zhytomyr, Zhmerynka, Kodyma, Mykolaiv, Rivne, Rohan, Teofipol, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy, Chernihiv and Chernivtsi joined the project. Separately, the project is launched in Kryvyi Rih: the team of the local center will provide free legal support to program participants from all over the country.

"In general, we managed to cover 23 cities and go online to provide support and assistance to as many women from the families of our defenders as possible. At the project's second stage, our centers already have a working algorithm, which the participants of the first stage shared. That's why Plus-Plus has finally become a truly national program that covers all regions of our country both offline and online," the authors of the project note in a comment to Rubryka.

How does it work?

The first meetings of the project's second stage will take place in early October. At the start of the initiative, the program's components will differ in each location, as they will be formed at the participants' request.

The needs of women, for example, in Kyiv and Kropyvnytskyi differ significantly. Somewhere, there is a request for art therapy, and somewhere – for professional legal support or educational lectures on starting a business. "We respond to all these requests, regardless of complexity. After all, the most important thing for us is to help the participants cope with their problems and realize their dreams," the team of the educational hub adds.

Registration for participation in the project remains open, so you can join the program at any time and from any city. To do this, it is enough to register using this link.

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