
Biden promises ATACMS long-range missiles for Ukraine

US President Joe Biden told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that the US will provide several ATACMS long-range missiles.

This was reported by the Rubryka, referring to NBC News.

Three US officials and a congressional representative familiar with the discussions did not say when the missiles would be delivered or when a public announcement would be made.

For several months, Ukraine has been asking for ATACMS missiles, which would allow it to strike targets at a distance of about 180 km, striking supply lines, railways, and command posts behind the Russian front line.

Pentagon officials have said that the US does not have large stockpiles of ATACMS, which have a higher combat load than conventional artillery, to provide to Ukraine.

In addition, some in Washington oppose the missile delivery, fearing it would escalate the war with Russia.

According to the representative of the Congress, there are still disputes about the type of missiles that will be sent and how many of them will be delivered to Ukraine. They added that Eastern European countries have already transferred a significant part of their stockpiles of weapons to Ukraine.

According to The Washington Post, the White House intends to transfer to Ukraine ATACMS missiles armed with cluster bombs instead of a single warhead.

ATACMS for Ukraine

For many months, Ukraine has been calling on the US to provide long-range ATACMS missiles. In recent weeks, Western media have emphasized that the issue of the missile transfer has moved from a standstill. In addition, the US Senate urged Biden to immediately transfer long-range missiles to Ukraine.

However, as noted, the US is "wary" of Ukraine's request to supply it with ATACMS due to concerns about limited stockpiles and that the weapon could be used to strike Russian territory, leading to escalation. However, the country is still considering this step.

Pressure on Biden to hand over long-range weapons is mounting from both parties in the US Congress.

ATACMS missiles can be installed on M270 MLRS (two missiles) or HIMARS (one missile) installations, which Ukraine already has. Until now, GMLRS projectiles have been delivered to Ukraine for HIMARS systems.


American ATACMS ballistic missile manufactured by Lockheed Martin can be installed on M270 MLRS (2 missiles) or M142 HIMARS (1 missile). It has a range of up to 300 km.

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