Ukraine called on Poland to set emotions aside for the sake of productive dialogue

After today's summons of the Ukrainian ambassador to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called on Poland to put aside emotions for the sake of a productive dialogue.

Rubryka reports this with reference to the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Oleh Nikolenko on Facebook.

Nikolenko stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was informed in detail about the meeting of the Ukrainian ambassador in Warsaw with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

The ministry spokesman noted that during this meeting, the Ukrainian ambassador once again clarified the Ukrainian position regarding the inadmissibility of the Polish unilateral ban on the import of Ukrainian grain.

"We call on our Polish friends to put aside their emotions. The Ukrainian side offered Poland a constructive way to resolve the grain issue. We expect that our proposals will become the basis for moving the dialogue into a constructive direction," the spokesman said.


Zelensky said that some of Ukraine's allies in Europe are undermining solidarity with political theater, turning grain into a thriller:

"They may seem to play their own role but in fact, they are helping set the stage to a Moscow actor."

The President made such a statement after, despite the European Commission's decision to lift the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary announced that they would maintain their own restrictions.

After that, Ukraine filed complaints with the World Trade Organization.

In Poland, they threatened to strengthen the export embargo so that the Ukrainian authorities "do not exacerbate the conflict."

Also, due to Volodymyr Zelensky's statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland summoned Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Zvarych.

Previously, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, compared Ukraine to a drowning person who holds on to everything and can pull others down with him.

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