United to win: Spain announces additional military aid to Ukraine

For the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Spain will transfer armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft launchers, anti-aircraft missiles, and military trucks.

Rubrika reports this with reference to the Ministry of Defense of Spain.

What is the problem?

There is a war going on in Ukraine. To protect Ukrainian soldiers at the fronts, Ukraine needs powerful military assistance packages from allies, which are necessary for the Ukrainian military to carry out a successful counteroffensive.

What is the solution?

Spain will hand over armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft launchers, anti-aircraft missiles, and military trucks for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

How does it work?

Acting Minister of Defense of Spain, Margarita Robles, during the Ramstein meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, informed about the state of material supplies, with which the country continues to support Ukraine.

In particular, she listed the announced shipment:

  • new armored personnel carriers,
  • inflatable command boats, as well as various other materials,
  • launchers and missiles for anti-aircraft and anti-ship defense,
  • special trucks to work with these systems,
  • ambulances.

In addition, for the mobile hospital"Role 2+, which Spain handed over to Ukraine in August, to continue functioning, the minister announced the dispatch of a significant number of pallets with surgical and medical equipment.

Robles also highlighted good progress in training Ukrainian personnel on Spanish territory as part of the EUMAM mission in Ukraine under the coordination of the Training Coordination Center in Toledo.

In advance, about 4,000 military personnel will undergo training, twice the number initially announced.

In addition, in response to the new needs of Ukraine, a military parachuting course in a wind tunnel will be offered, as well as various special courses for Ukrainian military security forces.


It should be noted that Spain supports Ukraine and regularly provides military aid.

In particular, Spain handed Ukraine four repaired Leopard 2A4 tanks, 20 armored personnel carriers, and a field hospital.


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