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Russian Investigative Committee is digging a sabotage at the airfield.
The incident caused a lot of hysteria in the highest military corridors: government aircraft, so-called "doomsday planes" and special aircraft (reconnaissance aircraft) are based at the airfield, the Ukrainian intelligence officers noted.
Photo: UI
Unidentified partisans planted explosives at the heavily guarded airfield and blew up AN-148 and IL-20 aircraft, MI-28N helicopter, which had previously been actively involved in shooting down attack drones over the Moscow region.
The damage will not allow their quick recovery. The helicopter's tail section was damaged by the explosion. Another AN-148, which was parked next to the others, sustained minor damage, the report said further.
Photo: UI
The relevant Russian authorities are looking for saboteurs and are trying to limit the dissemination of information about this incident in the local media.
Previously, the Russian military has developed a new airplane coverage to protect against Ukrainian drones.
On August 27, Ukrainian military counterintelligence attacked a military airfield in Kursk using "cardboard" drones with a high-explosive warhead. Later, it confirmed aircraft were also destroyed and damaged at the airfield in Pskov, along with four IL-76 transport aircraft.
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