The press service of the city council reported this.
What is the problem?
According to the local Department of Labor and Social Policy, 332 people from the families of fallen defenders of Ukraine currently live in Odesa, including 144 children, as well as 81 people who received disability as a result of injury, contusion, mutilation or disease received during the Russian military operations.
"And, unfortunately, these numbers are growing daily," the city council emphasized.
What is the solution?
A service center for veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war – #VeteranHub – is being opened in Odesa. Various social services and legal protection will be provided there.
How does it work?
"This is a space for the Ukrainian military, where they will be able to receive the entire range of social services and legal protection, as well as consultations and advice from specialists regarding treatment, rehabilitation, psychological assistance, employment, opening their own business, etc.," the city council said.
Also, among the issues that #VeteranHub will take care of is assistance to the families of the fallen defenders and military personnel who received disabilities as a result of the war.
The city council noted that the opening of the front office of the service center is scheduled for Veteran's Day, which is celebrated in Ukraine on October 1.
For specific categories of people, monthly or one-time cash payments are provided. In particular, 36 people with disabilities acquired due to the war, 109 families of fallen soldiers, 57 children from families of fallen soldiers, and 11 children whose parents became disabled due to the war are already receiving assistance. Assistance was also assigned to one mother of the fallen Hero of Ukraine.
For reference:
At the state level, veterans and their families are provided free psychological assistance. Such support can be received remotely or offline through individual meetings, classes with family members, and a group of up to 10 people. This may include psychological first aid, diagnosis, education and information, counseling, and psychotherapy.
Since Russia's aggression against Ukraine began in 2014, local centers of veteran communities have started to be created in Ukrainian cities and neighborhoods. Rubryka wrote about how the Veteran Hub support center for Ukrainian veterans works in Vinnytsia.
It should be noted that the fifth Veterans Development Center in Ukraine was opened at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic University.
Also, the first Center for Veteran Development was opened in the capital based on the National Aviation University.
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