This is reported by Rubryka, referring to Yle.
Temin is a French citizen and the executive director of two companies operating in Finland, Luminor, and Siberica. Since 1991, he has been a permanent resident of Finland.
According to the US Treasury Department, the companies headed by Temin supplied Russia with foreign electronic products.
The court recognized the detention as a justified preventive measure, which would prevent the suspect from destroying evidence and influencing the testimony of other participants in the case.
Gabriel Temin was personally present at the court session. The suspect did not hide his face and refused to comment on the charges brought against him. According to the lawyer, Temin disagreed with the arrest and denied his guilt.
He was taken from the courtroom to the pre-trial detention center in the city of Vantaa. He is prohibited from seeing his wife and minor children without supervision.
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