
Poland, Hungary and Slovakia withdraw from the coordination platform on Ukrainian grain exports

After Ukraine announced its intention to file a lawsuit at the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, these three EU countries refused to participate in the work of the Ukrainian grain platform.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to PAP.

The media outlet reports that according to Kyiv's proposal, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine will independently decide on the issuance of permits for the export of grain to the EU, in particular to the countries bordering Ukraine, even in cases where the states are against the distribution of such a document.

Permits for the export of Ukrainian grain will be negotiated with the EU countries and the European Commission. Still, regardless of the results of the consultations, the final decision will remain with Kyiv.

The outlet's source in the EU said that after Ukraine's statement about initiating a case against Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia at the World Trade Organization (WTO), the countries refused to participate in the work of the Ukrainian grain platform in Brussels.

"Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia refuse to participate in the work of the platform due to procedural prudence and the fact that Ukraine can use the information provided within the framework of the coordination platform against these three countries in the proceedings at the WTO," said the source in the EU.

Poland's permanent representative to the EU, Andrzej Sados, said that Poland will discuss issues related to the future of the common agricultural policy of the 27 EU countries at the Council.

We will remind, as Rubryka previously reported, that on September 15, the European Commission canceled restrictions on the import of Ukrainian grain.

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