The UNESCO World Heritage Committee considers that ""optimal conditions are no longer met to fully guarantee the protection of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and that it is threatened by potential danger due to the war"". Faced with the risk of direct attack, these sites are also vulnerable to the shockwaves caused by the bombing of the two cities.
While noting the many actions taken by the Ukrainian authorities to protect their cultural property, the Committee stated that these two heritage sites of outstanding universal value have remained under permanent threat since the start of the invasion on 24 February 2022.
Their inclusion on the List of World Heritage in Danger reminds the 195 States parties to the Convention of their responsibility to monitor and contribute to the protection of these sites. It also opens the door to additional financial and technical aid in order to implement new emergency measures – in line with the measures already taken by Ukraine with UNESCO.
The inclusion of these two sites on the List of World Heritage in Danger comes in addition to that of the Historic Centre of Odesa, already inscribed in January 2023.
About the sites
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