Ukrainian pilot training on F-16 jets “gains momentum” – air force spokesperson

The training of Ukrainian pilots on F16 fighter jets has shifted around and "gained momentum."

The spokesman of the Air Force of Ukraine's armed forces, Yuriy Ihnat, stated this on the telethon broadcast.

As the colonel noted, today, many people ask questions about where, in which country, how many pilots, and how many planes Ukraine will receive.

"Unfortunately, we cannot answer these questions in such detail now.

Not every state wants to particularly detail the process on its territory.

I can only assure you that the process has shifted very seriously," Ihnat emphasized.

He said this process wasn't happening before, but now it's picking up steam.

"The pilots are studying and undergoing training," noted the spokesperson of the Air Force of Ukraine's armed forces.

Ihnat also stated that the leaders of the countries where Ukrainian pilots are trained will inform about this later.

Also, the spokesman of the Air Force emphasized that the geography of the states that join the aviation coalition is increasing.

For reference:

Several European countries, as part of the aviation coalition, have agreed to conduct training for Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets.

After the visit of President Volodymyr Zelensky to Europe, it became known that the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway agreed to provide Ukraine with at least 61 fighter jets.

The Ministry of Defense stated that Ukraine could receive the first F-16 aircraft no earlier than in 6-7 months.

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