Solutions to win: Ukrainian engineers develop low-cost robotic platform for clearing landmines

Ukrainian engineers are developing a concept for a simple, low-cost robotic platform called the "Iron Caterpillar" for demining.

What is а problem?

Ukraine is considered one of the largest minefields in the world, as almost 180,000 square kilometers, about a third of the country's territory, are contaminated with Russian explosives.

Ukraine's Emergency Service says the most heavily mined areas are Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Kherson regions, and the area of Donbas. This vast territory will take at least ten years to clear these areas.

There are 20 demining vehicles in Ukraine, including three in the Kharkiv region and about 3,000 demining specialists. These capacities are insufficient to speed up mines and explosives' clearance. Ukrainian inventors and engineers are actively involved in the development of various demining equipment.

What is the solution?

Engineers are working on the development of a low-cost robotic platform called the Iron Caterpillar for clearing landmines.

How does it work?

The device will be used as an easily replenished resource for clearing the territory of anti-personnel mines. Ukrainian developers suggest this concept for both the military and civilian purposes.

The robotic mine trawler will be able to clear mines at the rear territories and frontline minefields. TEMERLAND specialists are testing the Iron Caterpillar for controllability via the control panel.

The engineers plan to create a kamikaze robot that will be able to go through hard-to-reach places to enemy positions and blow up a specific target.

Soon, the Ukrainian team will create larger models that will be lower than any vehicle at the front. They will be able to transport carts with ammunition, equipment, or provisions in the fired-upon area. Another version of the walk-through robot will be able to transport wounded soldiers.

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