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The strikes followed the air raid alarm, announced at 11 a.m. in most of Ukraine's region. Soon after that, authorities reported a series of explosions in the city.
Emergency services were sent to the sites of the hits. Syniehubov noted that the occupiers attacked the city with S-300 missiles deployed in the neighboring Russia's Belgorod region, which assisted the rockets to reach Kharkiv in several minutes.
According to preliminary medical information, 5 civilians were wounded, their condition is light and moderate, their lives are not in danger, he added.
Russian forces shell the liberated part of the Kharkiv region almost daily. Border settlements or those located near the front line are under constant attack.
On September 15, the Russian occupiers shelled Kozacha Lopan in the region, damaging a church and train station. Due to the destruction of the power grid, part of the village remains without electricity and phone connection.
On September 12, the Russian army once again fired at a unit of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kozacha Lopan.
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