Ukrainian fund Blagomay opens development center for vulnerable children

The BLAGOMAY Charity Fund opens its first hub in Ukraine — an open space for developing and supporting children, Rubryka reports.

Blagomay Hub is designed to empower and protect vulnerable children, giving young people a chance to feel protected and providing them with psychological support, personality development, and leadership resources. The location was opened by the BLAGOMAY team with the financial backing of the PepsiCo Foundation, which supports educational initiatives for Ukrainian children.

This space provides free psychological help and supports children's personal growth and leadership skills. The project is designed for teenagers aged 13 to 18 from vulnerable population groups. This includes children from orphanages, foster homes, low-income and internally displaced families. 

Philanthropists managed to create a friendly atmosphere where teenagers can attend courses and lectures and receive consultations from specialists, like psychologists, lawyers, doctors, and more.

"Today's teenagers will become the leaders of tomorrow. The opening of Blagomay Hub was another step toward supporting young people and providing them with opportunities for development," said Kateryna Turchaninova, communications specialist of PepsiCo Ukraine. "Together, we are building a future where every teenager can reveal their potential." 

In two weeks of operation, Blagomay Hub has already accepted more than 50 children within its walls and continues to provide quality educational services for children of Kyiv and the region.

"The goal of children's education is to understand their strengths and to develop them," said Kostiantyn Holubiatnikov, co-founder of Blagomay Fund. "Our Hub gives children the opportunity to try themselves in different things. This is new knowledge, choreography, sports, or yoga. I thank our partners for the opportunity to implement this initiative. Together, we can create a promising future for the younger generation and help them reach their maximum potential." 


BLAGOMAY is a charitable organization that works to create positive life changes for children and youth. The foundation aims to expand opportunities and protect children from vulnerable populations, promoting harmonious development and self-realization.

Rubryka reported that a library with free toys for children opened in Lviv's Dovzhenko Center under UNICEF's "Together" project.

Rubryka also reported on how hospital clowns support children in wartime. These are specialists whose work combines psychology and theatrical art.

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