Ukraine’s first all-women driving courses for refugees started in Kyiv

The first driving courses in Ukraine for war-affected women were launched in Kyiv, says deputy head of the local administration Maryna Honda.

What is the problem?

During the stage of war, thousands of Ukrainian women were forced to move from their hometowns and start life from scratch

They lost their homes, jobs and regular sources of income. They are raising children with disabilities on their own, survived the occupation, and are in a difficult financial situation, Honda said.

What is the solution?

Kyiv has launched the country's first courses for displaced women.

This pilot project is not just a driving course, but an opportunity for 15 women to learn a new profession and become even more mobile, independent, and self-confident, said the deputy head of the Kyiv administration.

Photo: Maryna Honda

How does it work?

Since the contest was announced, the organizers have received about 2,000 in three days.

The official added that the initial stage of selection was the analysis of questionnaires, and the final stage was personal interviews.

Photo: Maryna Honda

The courses include both theoretical and practical training to provide women with the necessary skills to drive safely.

Photo: Maryna Honda

By the end of the year, the participants will receive a category B driver's license after successfully passing the exam. The first lesson, "Fundamentals of Road Safety Legislation," has already been held.

The deputy head emphasized that inclusive education for five women with disabilities is also provided separately.

Photo: Maryna Honda

Photo: Maryna Honda

"The participants are very interested in learning and show high motivation. I wish the women participating in these courses inspiration, success, and interesting learning," Honda concluded.

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