United to win: Rheinmetall donates modern mobile field hospital to Ukraine

Rheinmetall handed Ukraine a mobile field hospital designed for 32 beds, including eight intensive care beds. Its production cost almost 9 million euros.

Rheinmetall reported this.

What is the problem?

Ukraine is battling for its freedom and independence in an epic war. Every Ukrainian eagerly awaits the liberation of Ukraine's whole territory from the adversary. But with these hopes and joy from the successes of the Defense Forces come the sorrows and tragedies of entire families. Ukraine's victory comes with a hefty price, yet everyone must do all they can to preserve as many of Ukraine's finest sons and daughters as possible.

It's sadly common for Ukrainian soldiers to die from blood loss. Although doctors help them at the first opportunity, often at the front, difficulties arise precisely during the next stage – during transportation to the nearest hospitals, which are usually located dozens of kilometers from the combat zone. And every minute is the life of a Ukrainian defender.

What is the solution?

To help reduce the number of tragic deaths of soldiers at the front, Rheinmetall donated a modern mobile field hospital to Ukraine.

The handover of the mobile field hospital happened in two parts: initially, ten Ukrainian servicemen got a 14-day course to master assembling, taking apart, and working the hospital. After that, the official handover to Ukraine took place at the designated place.

How does it work?

"Rheinmetall company delivered a mobile field hospital to Ukraine. Only a year ago, in September 2022, the German Ministry of Defense concluded a contract with a subsidiary of the Rheinmetall Mobile Systeme GmbH (RMS) group to construct a hospital and corresponding training support. The value of the order is about 9 million euros", the message says.

This modern field hospital is designed for:

  • 32 beds, including eight intensive care beds,
  • operating room with appropriate sterilization rooms,
  • diagnostic imaging (X-ray and computer tomography),
  • laboratory,
  • pharmacy,
  • as well as administrative and personnel base.

Thus, it meets the NATO "Role 2" medical support standards. RMS will also supply Ukraine with two highly mobile medical facilities as part of two additional deliveries scheduled for late 2023 and early 2024.

In addition to the field hospital, the Rheinmetall company provided Ukraine with the necessary vehicles. Ten road trains with trailers delivered twenty containers to their destination.

The hospital is a full-fledged autonomous medical institution. It includes medical modules in expandable containers and tents, independent power generation, and medical gas production capacity.

The hospital also has its water supply, including cleaning and disinfection, and facilities with sanitary and hygienic modules for patients and staff.

"The high quality of the system is evident in the smallest details. For example, the water supply network is heated, and the sensitive computer tomograph in the container is spring-loaded by a complex transport system," Rheinmetall said.

So it can be transported safely by land, sea, or air and is ready to go on arrival. Designed for maximum operational mobility, all systems and equipment in the hospital are reusable.

Employees of Rheinmetall Mobile Systeme trained Ukrainian troops in the trade and exhibition hall in Friedrichshafen in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. Half of the Ukrainian team already had a medical education; the other half had a technical education. To participate in the two-week course, they went directly from their region of activity in Ukraine to Germany.

For reference:

It was reported that the Federal Government of Germany instructed Rheinmetall to deliver 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine. The order was placed in August 2023. Its value is tens of millions of euros.

The German company Rheinmetall will also deliver the Luna New Generation unmanned system to Ukraine by the end of the year.

In August, the chairman of the board of the concern, Armin Papperger, said that Rheinmetall would start repairing tanks in Ukraine.

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