У зйомці тренувань взяли участь четверо українських військових, що втратили кінцівки через війну: Андрій Барабаш, Богдан Новарчук, Олександр Будько, Олександр Чайка, а також Олена Познякова.
What is the problem?
The World Health Organization reports about 31 million people worldwide have amputated limbs. By 2030, the number of amputees could rise to 38 million.
Amputation itself affects both physical and mental health, but a study by the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research found that amputees who exercise regularly experience improved self-esteem and life quality.
What is the solution?
To help amputees restore limb function and prepare for the prosthetic process, BetterMe, a Ukrainian healthcare company with over 150 million users in collaboration with bionic prosthesis manufacturer Esper Bionics and the "Future For Ukraine" charity foundation, has developed a training program for amputees in the BetterMe: Health Coaching app.
BetterMe's amputee training is a digital tool created by certified physiotherapists that provides people with round-the-clock access to exercise.
How does it work?
📌The program provides training for people with upper or lower limb amputation with over 200 unique exercises of varying intensity and duration. The complex consists of video exercises performed by five people with different types of prostheses.
The training program focuses on strengthening the stump and core muscles to normalize gait, maintaining joint mobility and preventing muscle stiffness through flexibility exercises, increasing endurance through cardio training, and promoting stability and overall balance through balance exercises.
The course includes training before and after prosthesis fitting. The average duration of each workout is 25 minutes. The program includes exercises such as various types of planks, supine exercises, twisting, and stretching with the prosthesis.
Regular exercise generally improves the quality of life for amputees. My training program for amputees helps to maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness while walking; stretching elements reduce muscle tension and maintain joint mobility. Regular exercise reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, which are common among amputees, says Dr. Farhad Ostovari, US clinical director for treatment and prosthetics of patients.
The training program for people with upper limb amputation includes training before and after the prosthesis is fitted. The average duration of each training session is up to 10 minutes. The program includes exercises such as bending and extending the arms, straightening the elbows, etc. In addition, some exercises can be performed using additional equipment, such as dumbbells or weight plates.
The program was developed by Danylo Intellegator, a rehabilitation therapist, a specialist in physiotherapy at the stage of prosthetics, and a specialist in the rehabilitation of upper and lower limb amputations in prosthetic and orthopedic institutions.
Effective physical exercises are extremely important for the rehabilitation of amputees, maintaining their overall health and developing mobility. These exercises are designed to prepare people with amputated limbs for the process of prosthetics and help them restore muscle sensitivity, coordination, etc. In addition, people who are already using prostheses can perform these exercises to maintain muscle activity, said Danylo Intelegator.
📌At the start of the full-scale war in 2022, the app became free for all Ukrainians. As for amputees from other countries, BetterMe: Health Coaching offers an 80% discount on the regular price. Moreover, the profits from the subscription fee will be used to provide prosthetic limbs to the Ukrainian military.
BetterMe, in cooperation with Esper for Ukraine, has recently started raising funds for prosthetics for a Ukrainian soldier who lost a limb as a result of a combat injury. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Esper for Ukraine, an Esper Bionics initiative to provide prosthetics to Ukrainian soldiers.
BetterMe charity clothing
Workouts for amputees are presented in the BetterMe: Health Coaching app, available for download on iOS and Android.
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