Solutions to win: Ukrainian firm presents modification of its armored vehicle “Novator” in Poland

At the MSPO International Defense Industry Exhibition in Poland, the Ukrainian Armored Vehicles arms company showed off their new version of the "Novator" special armored vehicle – a 10person armored vehicle with improved mobility and heightened antilandmine protection.

The Ukrainian armored vehicles company reported that on Facebook.

What is the problem?

After a full-scale war began, the issue of providing units with armored vehicles is still highly relevant. Thousands of units must be procured and distributed to sufficiently equip the battalions and brigades of the Defense Forces participating in hostilities.

In addition, the military needs to have armored vehicles that protect soldiers as much as possible when hit by a projectile or mines.

Partner countries help in this by providing their armored vehicles, but in Ukraine, arms companies develop and modernize existing domestic armored vehicles.

What is the solution?

Vladyslav Belbas, General Director of Ukrainian Armored Vehicles LLC, says that the new version of the "Novator" [Innovator in Ukrainian – ed.] armored vehicle is furthering the development of the Ukrainian vehicle line.

The experimental model of the machine, which was presented at the arms forum in Kielce in the south of Poland, will undergo state tests immediately after the exhibition.

Photo: Ukrainian Armored Vechicles

How does it work?

"The 10-seater armored car is the most updated version of the "Novator" special armored vehicle, which has been supplied to the Defense Forces of Ukraine since 2018 and has been tested both in time and, importantly, in battles," Belbas said.

According to him, this modification was developed considering the experience of using the car by various units in combat conditions.

Among the main innovations implemented by the company:

  • improved car suspension,
  • a control system that provides high maneuverability and increased passability.

"The machine is made on a Ford chassis, which manufacturers of armored vehicles widely use. The main problem that has to be overcome is increasing the maximum load on the basic chassis. At Ford, it is 8845 kg.

Ukrainian designers solved this problem by using modern, thinner, harder armor for booking and modernizing the suspension. Such decisions made it possible to design a machine that meets the requirements of modern warfare," Belbas noted.

Also, according to him, the updated version of the "Novator" has enhanced anti-mine protection.

Photo: Ukrainian Armored Vehicles

In addition, the armored car is able to work in different climatic conditions, regardless of the season, and on different types of roads, including off-road.

Like the previous version, this "Novator" is built according to the modular principle. It is a universal platform, which, thanks to a high degree of adaptation, can be used to perform various combat tasks and on which a variety of weapons and combat modules can be integrated.

For reference:

It should be noted that the first batch of 122-mm high-explosive artillery shells with a full charge, produced in partnership with one of the ammunition holdings of Eastern Europe, was delivered to Ukraine.

As Rubryka wrote, the Frontline.Care volunteer community, together with illustrators, launched the charity comic Koshmary [Nightmares – ed.]: the sale proceeds will go towards purchasing four "Mara" reconnaissance drones.

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