
Romanian president denies Russian drone incursions into country’s territory

The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, said that not a single drone fell on the country's territory. In this way, he denied the report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine about the fall of the Russian Shahed drones there on September 4.

Digi24 reported this.

"I can tell you that there was no detail, drone, or part of any device that ended up in Romania. We exercise full control over our national space, we checked absolutely everything, and I can reassure the population: nothing hit Romania," the head of the Romanian state emphasized.

At the same time, he noted that the country's authorities are concerned because the Russian attacks "occur at a very short distance from the border with Romania."

According to Iohannis, during the last NATO summit, the countries of the Alliance decided on an algorithm of action in case "something falls on their territory."

"Of course, yes, we have a scenario; we have a plan for every possible incident. That's obvious, but that doesn't mean we want something like this to happen," he added.

For reference:

As Rubryka previously reported, on the night of Monday, September 4, during the massive shelling of Ukraine, the Russian Shahed kamikaze drones fell and exploded on the territory of neighboring Romania. Kuleba said that Ukraine has photo evidence of drones falling.

However,the Ministry of Defense of Romania denies this information

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