According to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the program is called the Ukraine Partnership Facility (UPF). Dutch and international companies and public organizations that want to work on recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine can receive grants. This year, the budget of this program is €25 million.
"You can apply for a minimum grant of €500,000 for your project and a maximum of €5 million. You can be reimbursed up to 100 percent of the total eligible costs for each project," the statement says.
UPF aims to contribute to the Ukrainian economy's recovery in the water supply, health care, and agriculture sectors. The program also seeks to improve the situation of vulnerable population groups, such as women and youth.
Rubryka reported that the House of Representatives of the Netherlands recognized the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people. The government of the Netherlands also allocated €260 million for the joint purchase of ammunition for Ukraine.
The Netherlands supports Ukraine in a variety of ways: with money for humanitarian aid, reconstruction, aid to victims of war, and with medicine and relief goods. The Netherlands also supports the investigation of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.
On July 4, the Dutch government announced its second aid package for Ukraine for 2023 worth €118 million. The financing is directed toward reconstruction and healthcare, emergency and rescue equipment, local NGO projects in support of Ukrainian human rights defenders, and grants to Dutch companies and civil society organizations.
In 2022, the Netherlands provided €1 million via the Association of Netherlands Municipalities for reconstruction plans for Kherson, Odesa, and Mykolaiv and € 250,000 for small-scale projects via the Dutch embassy in Ukraine.
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