Raging fires took off a few months ago when Russian troops burnt down 300 hectares of the reserve's area.
Stopping ecocide, or ecology destruction, is another takeaway from Ukraine's peace formula, introduced in paragraph 8, "Environmental Safety."
Russian troops seized the national reserve in 2022 after establishing their control over the Kherson region. They hung the Russian flag on the administrative "Askania Nova" building. Some guards and scientists agreed to work with them.
Since its occupation on March 25, the Ukrainian team of the reserve continued to perform its duties and did not cooperate with the occupation authorities until this week.
The Ukrainian administration cannot further be responsible for ensuring further preservation of the scientific research institution for nature protection of international importance, acknowledged by UNESCO in 1985. The Reserve is under immediate threat.
Rubryka also informed that the invaders wanted to shoot wild animals and start a restaurant business in the natural national park "Dzharylgatsky."
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